With the huge influx of interest in the multilevel marketing industry it is absolutely important that people considering an MLM program, including Ardys, make sure they know what they are getting in to. I have spent years working with MLM programs and have developed a system I use to analyze any MLM opportunity I hear about.
I review MLM opportunities like Ardys because I think it is imperative that people have a full understanding of what they are getting into when they join an MLM program. To this end I will go ahead and review Ardys using my standard three point evaluation.
The three things I always look at when evaluating a multilevel marketing program are the product, the company, and the marketing materials. These aspects of an MLM business are universal, regardless of the product and they allow me to analyze each opportunity from an unbiased viewpoint.
That being said, how solid is the Ardys product? Well, that's going to depend on which of their many products you are talking about. With years of experience manufacturing body reshaping garments, Ardys' has a fairly solid product in the form of garments like the Body Magic. While there are competitors in this field I am hard pressed to think of a recognizable one.
On the other hand, if you are talking about the health supplement or skin care product lines offered by Ardyss, there is plenty of competition. Health supplements and skin care products have both been highly competitive industries, both in direct marketing like MLM programs and in retail offerings. This competition should not be taken lightly.
Ardys the company has been around for about twenty years. Incorporating in Las Vegas in 1991, Ardys has the advantage of nearly two decades of experience in the manufacture of body reshaping garments. Any time a company has proven it has staying power; it becomes a more attractive MLM prospect.
Finally, there are the Ardys marketing materials available. Not only do they have a web system that makes it easier for distributors to use the internet's unrivaled power for generating sales and prospective recruits, they offer a number of brochures that can distributors can reproduce as hard copies or incorporate into their own websites.
In summation Ardys is similar to many other MLM programs. While its strengths and weaknesses are unique to them, like any multilevel marketing system the real key to viable success is an effective understanding of marketing. If you want to succeed in MLM it is imperative you take the time to educate yourself on how to succeed at marketing. Doing so will give you the ability to make any MLM product a viable business. - 29871
I review MLM opportunities like Ardys because I think it is imperative that people have a full understanding of what they are getting into when they join an MLM program. To this end I will go ahead and review Ardys using my standard three point evaluation.
The three things I always look at when evaluating a multilevel marketing program are the product, the company, and the marketing materials. These aspects of an MLM business are universal, regardless of the product and they allow me to analyze each opportunity from an unbiased viewpoint.
That being said, how solid is the Ardys product? Well, that's going to depend on which of their many products you are talking about. With years of experience manufacturing body reshaping garments, Ardys' has a fairly solid product in the form of garments like the Body Magic. While there are competitors in this field I am hard pressed to think of a recognizable one.
On the other hand, if you are talking about the health supplement or skin care product lines offered by Ardyss, there is plenty of competition. Health supplements and skin care products have both been highly competitive industries, both in direct marketing like MLM programs and in retail offerings. This competition should not be taken lightly.
Ardys the company has been around for about twenty years. Incorporating in Las Vegas in 1991, Ardys has the advantage of nearly two decades of experience in the manufacture of body reshaping garments. Any time a company has proven it has staying power; it becomes a more attractive MLM prospect.
Finally, there are the Ardys marketing materials available. Not only do they have a web system that makes it easier for distributors to use the internet's unrivaled power for generating sales and prospective recruits, they offer a number of brochures that can distributors can reproduce as hard copies or incorporate into their own websites.
In summation Ardys is similar to many other MLM programs. While its strengths and weaknesses are unique to them, like any multilevel marketing system the real key to viable success is an effective understanding of marketing. If you want to succeed in MLM it is imperative you take the time to educate yourself on how to succeed at marketing. Doing so will give you the ability to make any MLM product a viable business. - 29871
About the Author:
Ellie Gant is the editor for Online MLM Secrets, a treasure trove of actionable information and resources for everyone who is working in an MLM Business. Check out the full-length, critical review of Ardyss over at the website. While you're there, be sure to claim your free immediate access to Jonathan Budd's 8 Day Mastermind Marketing Bootcamp, 100% free.