Coach purses are hugely popular with ladies everywhere. No matter where you go, you will be able to see someone walking around with a bag covered with the signature "C"s. Because of the popularity of these bags, replica and imposter bags are showing up. Knowing a few tips to identify fake Coach purses will make sure you are buying the real thing.
Coach purses are only sold in certain places. You can get them at Coach stores, the Coach website, the Coach catalog and a few specialty department stores. No individual, no purse parties or online auction is guaranteed to be selling you a true Coach bag. The majority are fake. Any retailer overseas is selling you a knockoff.
Make sure the purse you are buying has the signature "C"s on it. There are imposter bags out there with "G"s or "O"s and a few other letters. Also, the "C"s will touch and side pairs will face each other. The "C"s will not end in the body of the bag. The only "C"s that will be cut off will be the ones on the sides of the bag. Look over the "C" pattern. The pattern should be in line and not crooked.
Inside the bag will be a serial number. The serial number is made up of letters and number and will be embossed onto a leather patch that is stitched into the inside of the bag. Coach only uses certain zippers and those are by YKK. Check the zipper to make sure the letters YKK are on it. If not, the bag is a fake.
The stitching on these bags is of excellent quality. There should not be any slopping stitching anywhere. If any of the stitching is loose or pulling, the bag is a fake. Additionally, no part of these bags should be glued. The hardware on these bags should be heavy and be bendable.
Not all bags will come with a dust bag but if yours did, the dust bag should be either brown or tan with red stitching. The Coach logo will also be stamped onto the dust bag.
All Coach bags come with a Coach logo tag. These are attached by using a looped chain. The logo tags are made of 2 pieces of leather stitched together and the letters in Coach will be raised.
Buying yourself a Coach bag will get you a wonderfully crafted and durable bag that will last you a long time. These bags are expensive so make sure you are getting a true Coach. - 29871
Coach purses are only sold in certain places. You can get them at Coach stores, the Coach website, the Coach catalog and a few specialty department stores. No individual, no purse parties or online auction is guaranteed to be selling you a true Coach bag. The majority are fake. Any retailer overseas is selling you a knockoff.
Make sure the purse you are buying has the signature "C"s on it. There are imposter bags out there with "G"s or "O"s and a few other letters. Also, the "C"s will touch and side pairs will face each other. The "C"s will not end in the body of the bag. The only "C"s that will be cut off will be the ones on the sides of the bag. Look over the "C" pattern. The pattern should be in line and not crooked.
Inside the bag will be a serial number. The serial number is made up of letters and number and will be embossed onto a leather patch that is stitched into the inside of the bag. Coach only uses certain zippers and those are by YKK. Check the zipper to make sure the letters YKK are on it. If not, the bag is a fake.
The stitching on these bags is of excellent quality. There should not be any slopping stitching anywhere. If any of the stitching is loose or pulling, the bag is a fake. Additionally, no part of these bags should be glued. The hardware on these bags should be heavy and be bendable.
Not all bags will come with a dust bag but if yours did, the dust bag should be either brown or tan with red stitching. The Coach logo will also be stamped onto the dust bag.
All Coach bags come with a Coach logo tag. These are attached by using a looped chain. The logo tags are made of 2 pieces of leather stitched together and the letters in Coach will be raised.
Buying yourself a Coach bag will get you a wonderfully crafted and durable bag that will last you a long time. These bags are expensive so make sure you are getting a true Coach. - 29871
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Armed with this knowledge, you should be able to go an ebay and spot any imposter bags, try searching for Coach 12905 or Coach 10620 handbag.