Before you go out spending money on a designer handbag you need to ask yourself these questions. Is it authentic or just a replica? How will you be able to tell the difference? With the way the economy is at present there are plenty of people both on and offline selling designer purses for cheap, when in fact some of these purses are nothing but replicas. I have written this article specifically for those who are going to be buying from eBay. However, several of these steps will help protect you when buying items offline as well.
As a great many of us know already, eBay offers a unique place where designer purses and handbags can be purchased at highly discounted prices. To put it simply, eBay offers you the chance to save money on some of the best known brands compared to anywhere else. I myself, have over the years saved thousands of dollars on purchasing not just designer bags, but accessories and clothing through eBay. However, there are still some unscrupulous sellers on eBay who are claiming that the products they are selling are genuine but which are in fact fakes.
Please keep in mind that eBay has a zero tolerance policy against these types of sellers, but every so often one of these sellers may slip through the cracks taking advantage of an unsuspecting buyer. Within this article Im going to layout the steps you can take to avoid these types of eBay sellers and ensure that the purse you are buying is really legit.
You should learn as much as you can about the designer brand as well as the model you are thinking of purchasing. I recommend visiting a local department store or boutique where the handbags you want are available and spend some time looking at and studying the bag's various characteristics. If you don't have such stores close to you then visit a website where the handbag is available. A great many of the online retailers including Nordstrom offer several pictures of the purses and bags that they carry. If they don't have the one that you are looking for then look closely at those which resemble it. After finding the bag you want on eBay, make sure you spend time comparing it to the characteristics of the known authentic purse you've previously researched. See common characteristics listed below.
Color: Note the color of the item displayed within the auction. Is it the same color as the bag you know to be authentic? For instance, look on the manufacturers website to make sure they even offer that color for that specific style.
Seams: Study the seams and stitching on the purchase that is up for sale on eBay. Do the seams meet in the same manner as would be found on the authentic designer purse? Is the stitching on the purse or bag evenly proportioned across it? If the answer is no to either of these questions then in all likely the chances of it being a fake are very high.
Exterior Material: Almost all Designers use leather accents, NOT plastic.
Markings or Logo: Every designer will place their brand name or logo on the leather or hardware of their purse or handbag. Make sure that you check that the letters or the logos are displayed in the same way exactly as that shown on an authentic one. If the mark from the manufacturer is on the leather it should be engraved. If it has been printed rather than engraved you will know you are looking at a replica. Plus, you will also notice that most designers like to put their brand name or logo inside the bag on the lining somewhere.
Hardware: Make sure you take a good look at the handbags hardware and verify that it all matches in color. If the logo is printed or embossed on the hardware instead of being engraved than its probably a replica.
Location: Please be cautious of sellers that are located in Asia. There are a lot of factories that produce replicas in that region of the world.
Large Amounts Of Same Item: Look out for those sellers who have a large number of listings where they are selling the exact same bag. However, if they are selling several different styles of Juicy Couture handbags you should be alright. Always be wary of a seller who has 20 listings of the exact same juicy couture model, especially when they have "Buy It Now" at a price that seems too good to be true.
Seller Feedback: This can help you to quickly identify those sellers you can trust to be selling an authentic designer purse. I would recommend that you never purchase high end items from those sellers who have no more than 15 to 20 reviews and whose positive feedback score is below 98%. To put it in simple terms, a reputable seller on eBay will not risk getting their feedback damaged by selling you a replica purse or handbag.
Verify Authenticity: Make sure that the seller included at least one picture of the Designers Brand Name/Logo engraved on the bag. If the seller didnt include a picture or the picture is fuzzy then ask the seller to post a better picture.
Ask For Further Pictures: A reputable seller will provide several pictures of the bag taken from different angles that can help you to identify if it is authentic. If you feel insufficient pictures have been taken then ask the seller to post some more. Don't hesitate to ask them to provide you with more specific pictures say of the bottom of the item or a close up of it.
Hopefully I havent discouraged any of you from shopping at eBay. Honestly, odds are you will never run into a problem, but it never hurts to take a few precautionary steps to avoid any potential pitfalls, especially if you plan on spending a significant amount of money.
So to recap, before you buy design purses for cheap, make sure that you do the following to verify it is authentic. Do your homework, find a seller you can trust and make sure that you review all pictures supplied. Taking these steps you can be confident in knowing that you are buying a genuine designer purse or handbag rather than some cheap knock off. - 29871
As a great many of us know already, eBay offers a unique place where designer purses and handbags can be purchased at highly discounted prices. To put it simply, eBay offers you the chance to save money on some of the best known brands compared to anywhere else. I myself, have over the years saved thousands of dollars on purchasing not just designer bags, but accessories and clothing through eBay. However, there are still some unscrupulous sellers on eBay who are claiming that the products they are selling are genuine but which are in fact fakes.
Please keep in mind that eBay has a zero tolerance policy against these types of sellers, but every so often one of these sellers may slip through the cracks taking advantage of an unsuspecting buyer. Within this article Im going to layout the steps you can take to avoid these types of eBay sellers and ensure that the purse you are buying is really legit.
You should learn as much as you can about the designer brand as well as the model you are thinking of purchasing. I recommend visiting a local department store or boutique where the handbags you want are available and spend some time looking at and studying the bag's various characteristics. If you don't have such stores close to you then visit a website where the handbag is available. A great many of the online retailers including Nordstrom offer several pictures of the purses and bags that they carry. If they don't have the one that you are looking for then look closely at those which resemble it. After finding the bag you want on eBay, make sure you spend time comparing it to the characteristics of the known authentic purse you've previously researched. See common characteristics listed below.
Color: Note the color of the item displayed within the auction. Is it the same color as the bag you know to be authentic? For instance, look on the manufacturers website to make sure they even offer that color for that specific style.
Seams: Study the seams and stitching on the purchase that is up for sale on eBay. Do the seams meet in the same manner as would be found on the authentic designer purse? Is the stitching on the purse or bag evenly proportioned across it? If the answer is no to either of these questions then in all likely the chances of it being a fake are very high.
Exterior Material: Almost all Designers use leather accents, NOT plastic.
Markings or Logo: Every designer will place their brand name or logo on the leather or hardware of their purse or handbag. Make sure that you check that the letters or the logos are displayed in the same way exactly as that shown on an authentic one. If the mark from the manufacturer is on the leather it should be engraved. If it has been printed rather than engraved you will know you are looking at a replica. Plus, you will also notice that most designers like to put their brand name or logo inside the bag on the lining somewhere.
Hardware: Make sure you take a good look at the handbags hardware and verify that it all matches in color. If the logo is printed or embossed on the hardware instead of being engraved than its probably a replica.
Location: Please be cautious of sellers that are located in Asia. There are a lot of factories that produce replicas in that region of the world.
Large Amounts Of Same Item: Look out for those sellers who have a large number of listings where they are selling the exact same bag. However, if they are selling several different styles of Juicy Couture handbags you should be alright. Always be wary of a seller who has 20 listings of the exact same juicy couture model, especially when they have "Buy It Now" at a price that seems too good to be true.
Seller Feedback: This can help you to quickly identify those sellers you can trust to be selling an authentic designer purse. I would recommend that you never purchase high end items from those sellers who have no more than 15 to 20 reviews and whose positive feedback score is below 98%. To put it in simple terms, a reputable seller on eBay will not risk getting their feedback damaged by selling you a replica purse or handbag.
Verify Authenticity: Make sure that the seller included at least one picture of the Designers Brand Name/Logo engraved on the bag. If the seller didnt include a picture or the picture is fuzzy then ask the seller to post a better picture.
Ask For Further Pictures: A reputable seller will provide several pictures of the bag taken from different angles that can help you to identify if it is authentic. If you feel insufficient pictures have been taken then ask the seller to post some more. Don't hesitate to ask them to provide you with more specific pictures say of the bottom of the item or a close up of it.
Hopefully I havent discouraged any of you from shopping at eBay. Honestly, odds are you will never run into a problem, but it never hurts to take a few precautionary steps to avoid any potential pitfalls, especially if you plan on spending a significant amount of money.
So to recap, before you buy design purses for cheap, make sure that you do the following to verify it is authentic. Do your homework, find a seller you can trust and make sure that you review all pictures supplied. Taking these steps you can be confident in knowing that you are buying a genuine designer purse or handbag rather than some cheap knock off. - 29871
About the Author:
Now that you know the Basics of Verifying Handbag Authenticity it's time for you to Check out the prices on these Designer Purses for Cheap! For Tips on finding Authentic Designer Handbags for Cheap, visit