People have been asking the question whether shopping for designer bargains online is better than on the high street for years. It is clear that both these bargain hunting resources have their perks and downfalls. People tend to believe that purchasing designer goods online is the cheaper way to shop because the store owner does not have the usual overheads of a brick and mortar store owner. Although a brick and mortar store has its own advantages such taking your goods with you after purchase.
The high street shops used to be at their busiest during the sales just after Christmas. Recently the sales have not been limited to this time of year and bargain buys are popping up throughout the year. Because of fierce competition in the retail market it has become increasingly popular to allow huge sales online at the same times of year as the high street sales.
Some people enjoy the hustle and bustle of the local mall on a Saturday afternoon. Bumping into friends and people watching over a coffee is some peoples favourite past time. Others prefer to make the savings on petrol, parking and that very expensive coffee by browsing the shops online.
The only benefit that I can think of high street shopping that outweighs online shopping is that you get to try your clothes on there and then. Any reputable online store has a return policy and if you don't mind waiting then you will always get what you want eventually.
I personally would much rather relax with a cup of coffee in front of my laptop and spend the time searching for a real bargain. The thought of been pushed about by impatient shoppers is enough for me to favour the online experience. - 29871
The high street shops used to be at their busiest during the sales just after Christmas. Recently the sales have not been limited to this time of year and bargain buys are popping up throughout the year. Because of fierce competition in the retail market it has become increasingly popular to allow huge sales online at the same times of year as the high street sales.
Some people enjoy the hustle and bustle of the local mall on a Saturday afternoon. Bumping into friends and people watching over a coffee is some peoples favourite past time. Others prefer to make the savings on petrol, parking and that very expensive coffee by browsing the shops online.
The only benefit that I can think of high street shopping that outweighs online shopping is that you get to try your clothes on there and then. Any reputable online store has a return policy and if you don't mind waiting then you will always get what you want eventually.
I personally would much rather relax with a cup of coffee in front of my laptop and spend the time searching for a real bargain. The thought of been pushed about by impatient shoppers is enough for me to favour the online experience. - 29871
About the Author:
Ruby Shaw has been involvedin fashion and every thing about fashion all her life. Ruby has recently opened an online shop that is full of designer labels at excellent prices. Ruby imports all her stock herself and posts from within the U.K so you can gaurentee a speedily and reliable delivery.